Dog Bite Lawyers in Brisbane

Dog Bite Lawyers in Brisbane

It is estimated that Australia has a dog population of approximately 3,400,000. According to the Australian National Kennel Council, the top four (registered) breeds in the nation are: Labrador, German Shepherd, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and Golden Retriever. Although these breeds are the most popular to own, none of them are responsible for the most dog related deaths in the nation. Rottweiler is the breed responsible for the most dog related deaths in Australia.

Dog Bite Solicitors in Brisbane

Some breeds are known to be more aggressive, but any dog can attack if the circumstances are right. Many dogs attack when they feel threatened or are provoked, but sadly, this is not the norm in dog bite attacks. However, approximately 94 percent of dog bites are unprovoked. Many dogs attack because they have been trained to attack or have been neglected by their owners.

Dog Bite Lawyer in Brisbane

After suffering an injury in a dog attack, you may be wondering if you can take legal action against the owner of the dog. For more information about the legal process and to learn if you can file a lawsuit against the owner of the dog who bit you, contact an ethical dog bite solicitor at Brisbane Compensation Lawyers Group. After hearing your story, they can tell you if your legal options include filing a personal injury lawsuit.

Dog Bite Solicitor in Brisbane

Some individuals are naive to the severity of injury dogs can inflict, but the aggressive dog bite lawyers at Compensation Lawyers Group in Brisbane are well aware of the many types of severe, life threatening injuries dog can inflict. They have represented clients suffering from:

  • Puncture wounds and lacerations
  • Facial injuries
  • Skin and soft tissue injuries
  • Infections stemming from rabies or wounds
  • Broken bone injuries
  • Muscle, tendon, and ligament tears
  • Vision or hearing loss due to puncture wounds
  • Psychological trauma

Dog Bite Solicitors in Brisbane

If you or someone you know suffered a dog bite injury, look to an experienced dog bite solicitor at Brisbane Compensation Lawyers Group to handle your case. Don’t throw away your one chance to obtain funds for injury expenses by placing your case in the hands of an inexperienced lawyer. The dog bite injury lawyers at Compensation Lawyers Group in Brisbane have the legal skill and knowledge needed to get you maximum compensation for doctor visits, surgeries, physical therapy, emotional counseling, lost earnings, and pain and suffering.

Dog Bite Lawyers in Brisbane

Waiting to call our law group could result in the loss of key evidence. Call (07) 3067 0687 today and a caring dog bite solicitor at Brisbane Compensation Lawyers Group will immediately begin an investigation to preserve important evidence. You will not be charged for the initial consultation and you won’t have to pay a dime until your case is successfully settled.